Customs and Trade Training

We provide customs and excise training for imports and exports in a practical and easily understandable manner. Our training is tailored to your business and supply chain, so your business gets the most value from it.
In addition to legal requirements for companies to have sufficient expertise in the area of customs and international trade, ensuring this knowledge is held within a company significantly reduces its risk exposure and creates cost saving opportunities.
We can assist companies to develop the required customs knowledge and expertise through a suite of bespoke and diverse customs training solutions. Our training focuses on empowering companies to understand customs and its impact on your cross-border trading footprint.
Our training solutions include:
Basic, intermediate and advanced trainings specifically designed to meet your business requirements and import/export footprint based on the SAFE AEO trusted trader compliance framework. These trainings cover: ​
Understanding Customs – Background, overview of legislative basis and all fundamentals of customs and international trade;
Duty Drivers – Classification; Valuation; and Origin Determination;
Customs Controls – Ensuring a compliant customs function that enables your business (managing financial obligations and customs debts, managing your broker(s), managing registrations and licenses etc.);
Customs Duty Optimisation – Use of special regimes to reduce unnecessary costs (Free Trade Agreements, Tariff Suspensions/Quotas, Import VAT, Inward Processing, Outward Processing, Warehousing, Transit, End-Use, etc.);
Other areas of international trade – INCOTERMs, Excise, Veterinary and Food Products requirements, Sanctions and Export Controls;
Range of delivery methods from online, classroom, one on one mentor sessions;
Tailored to meet companies’ requirements and obligations under customs and trade legislation;
Support materials.