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Trade Wars

Currently there is significant disruption in global trade as nations compete against one another with a series of increasingly protectionist trade measures.
This is a reversal of previously implemented measures that liberalised the global movement of products, and which aimed to remove trade barriers and reduce import related costs.
As such, companies need to have the ability to quickly assess the impact of these changes and put in place mitigation strategies to reduce such costs. These changes can be implemented in a very short time-frame, which makes planning for these in advance critical.
We can proactively assist companies to minimise the negative impacts of such measures and to effectively plan and develop cost efficient trade lanes through:
The identification of at-risk trade lanes by import/export market, products and potential duty and non-tariff impacts;
The identification and implementation of strategies to minimise the impact of these trade wars. Such strategies could include, but are not limited to:
Customs value/transfer pricing relationship optimisation;
Customs special procedures implementation;
Alternative sourcing model strategies;
INCOTERM reviews;
Non-preferential country of origin determination.
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